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Original 30"x24"x2" Stretched Canvas

"Professional Prints available HERE*


“The Mantle” is inspired by the plasticity, regenerative, and reproductive characteristics of magma, which is a recurring theme in many non-Abrahamic origin stories. It personifies our planet's natural system for creation, birth, destruction, and recycling. This painting was created using a palatte knife only to apply thick oil paint. As a result, the painting has an unapologetic, unique, and compelling 3-D texture which enhances the plasticity of the subject matter. The original (24 W x 30 H x 2 D in) is painted on hand-stretched canvas. Prints of different sizes are available HERE in high quality that accurately reflects the texture and vibrancy of the original colors. 

The Mantle

  • Oil

    Original 30"x24"x2" Stretched Canvas

    *Professional prints available to order HERE*

    *Shown in the Citizens' Climate Lobby Climate Justice Art Show 2021


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